SHE IS THE WORK – includes works in moving image, text (to be read and spoken), a lecture/presentation, an unfolding archive and an itinerant studio (practice). The project was started while on a research residency in Japan. More info here
The projects aimed to tether aspects of research material that had tangential relations. Some of the initial references are:
L’Eclisse (1962) M. Antonioni
Cesearee (1979) M. Duras
Hiroshima Mon Amour (1959) M. Duras/ A. Resnais
Il Dialogo di Roma (1982) M. Duras
Roma (1993) M. Duras
Lecture Presentation (2017 ongoing) available as PDF
Open Studio installation - Tokyo Arts Space 2017
Open Studio installation - Tokyo Arts Space 2017
Itinerant Studio extracts (Tokyo 2017)
Stills from In Media Res or 36 hours in Hiroshima ©poolproductions (duration 10mins, colour/stereo JP/UK)