Subjectivity and Feminisms Performance Dinners from 2008
The Subjectivity & Feminisms Performance Dinners are a series of dinner events that involve staff, students, and invited artists in collective feminist research exploring the mutual embeddedness of theory and practice via performative responses to key feminist texts. From 2008 -
Contributions to the Subjectivity and Feminisms Performance Dinners
Dinner I June 2008
The Second Sex by Simone de Beauvoir
What it feels like for a girl (after Simone, after Ian, after Charlotte, after Madonna)
A gesture with screening extract: The Cement Garden and image
Dinner II February 2009
S.C.U.M by Valerie Solanas
The Restorative Scar
reading and T-shirt
Restorative Scar 2009. T-shirt worn during performance reading
Dinner III July 2011
The Impenetrable Power of the Phallic Matron by Julia Kristeva
Win or The Cynical Function of Ideology
video (b/w sound) 4 mins
Stills from Win or the Cynical function of ideology. 2011
Dinner IV June 2012
The Gleaners and I by Agnes Varda
The Ontology of Scouse
A reading and diagram
the Ontology of Scouse - Mind Map 2012
Dinner V June 2013
Visual Pleasures and Narrative Cinema by Laura Mulvey
Somewhere, Nowhere, Elsewhere
video (colour/silent) 5mins
Stills from Somewhere, Nowhere, Elsewhere. 2013
Dinner VI March 2014
Tender Buttons by Gertrude Stein
Curated by Gill Addison and the S&F research group
tender tender
video (colour/silent) 5mins
Still from tender tender video 5mins. 2014